Frequently asked questions
about your participation.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about these important initiatives. Below are some of the most common questions that past participants have had about the purpose and impact of our research.

What is Human Intracranial Electrophysiology (HIE)?

Human intracranial electrophysiology (HIE) is a powerful research tool that allows scientists and clinicians to study the electrical activity of the brain in a highly detailed and precise manner. This technique can be used to investigate a wide range of neurological disorders, including but not limited to: Epilepsy, traumatic brain injury and stroke, movement disorders, cognitive disorders, sleep disorders, language and communication disorders, mood and anxiety disorders, and more.

These are just a few examples of the types of neurological disorders that can be studied using human intracranial electrophysiology. The technique has the potential to provide valuable insights into a wide variety of conditions, ultimately leading to improvements in diagnosis, treatment, and patient care.

Is HIE safe?

Yes, HIE studies are conducted under strict ethical guidelines and with the utmost priority given to participant safety. The procedures and implantation techniques are performed by experienced medical professionals, minimizing risks. Prior to participating, detailed consent forms are provided to explain any potential risks or discomforts.

What is the purpose of HIE studies?

HIE studies aim to deepen our understanding of the human brain and how it functions in both healthy individuals and those with neurological disorders. By studying brain activity at a cellular level, researchers can identify the mechanisms underlying various conditions and develop more effective treatments.

Will the electrodes interfere with my cognitive or physical abilities?

The electrodes are carefully positioned to minimize interference with cognitive or physical abilities. Researchers prioritize the preservation of normal brain function while collecting valuable data. Extensive pre-surgical planning is conducted to ensure the best possible outcomes.

How is participant privacy and confidentiality maintained?

Participant privacy and confidentiality are of utmost importance in HIE studies. All data collected is handled with strict adherence to ethical and legal guidelines. Personal information is de-identified and stored securely to protect participant identity and maintain confidentiality.

Are there any long-term risks associated with HIE studies?

While HIE studies are generally considered safe, there can be potential risks associated with any surgical procedure. Your research team will provide you with detailed information about potential risks during the informed consent process, allowing you to make an informed decision about participating.

Will participating in an HIE study directly benefit me?

HIE studies primarily focus on advancing scientific knowledge and improving our understanding of neurological disorders. While you may not receive direct medical benefits, your participation contributes to the collective effort of finding better treatments and improving the lives of individuals affected by these conditions.

Are there any financial costs involved in participating?

Typically, there are no direct financial costs for participants in HIE studies. The research team will cover the costs associated with the study procedures, electrode implantation, and follow-up visits. However, it is important to discuss specific details with the research team before committing to participation.

How can I learn about the results of the study?

At the conclusion of the study, the research team may provide participants with a summary of the findings, if desired. However, it is important to note that research studies often require a significant amount of analysis and interpretation before results are finalized and published.

Can I withdraw from the study at any time?

Yes, participants have the right to withdraw from the study at any time without penalty or negative consequences. It is important to communicate your decision with the research team, who can provide guidance and address any concerns you may have.

Remember, these FAQs are intended to provide general information, and specific details may vary depending on the study. It is important to consult with the research team conducting the HIE study to address any individual concerns or questions you may have before deciding to participate.